Legal information


The website is published by LAB.G, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 10,000 euros, headquartered at 30 boulevard de la République – 87200 St-Junien, registered in the Limoges Trade and Companies Register under number 908 329 865, VAT number FR35908329865.

Telephone: +33 (0)7 85 62 10 72


Publication manager: Isabelle Guyon, founder.

Hosting and maintenance

Hosting is provided by Infomaniak, whose address is 26 avenue de la Praille – 1227 Geneva, Switzerland.

Webmaster and site maintenance: MG Créa’Com

This website was created using the open-source WordPress solution.

Intellectual Property

All texts, comments, works, illustrations and images reproduced on are reserved under copyright and intellectual property law for the entire world. In this respect, and in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, only private use is authorized, subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

Total or partial reproduction of the website is strictly forbidden without prior agreement.

Protection of personal data

Amniotic collects personal data on customers visiting the website, in particular through the use of cookies in accordance with current legislation.

This data collection is carried out :

  • when the customer creates an account,
  • when the customer subscribes to newsletters or alerts proposed by Amniotic,
  • when the customer places an order or requests a return on the site,
  • when the customer contacts Amniotic customer service,
  • when the customer takes part in a competition,
  • when the customer browses the site and consults articles,
  • when the customer writes a comment or review on an item,
  • when the customer shares a review with a friend by sending an e-mail from an item record,
  • when the customer shares a review via Facebook, Google +, Twitter, or from an item file.

The data collected is intended for use by Amniotic. They are necessary for the processing and management of customer orders and for commercial relations between Amniotic and the customer. They also enable Amniotic to provide customers with personalized services and to improve the relevance of the information offered to them.

Amniotic is responsible for their processing. They may be transmitted to companies and subcontractors used by Amniotic to carry out orders and provide services.

The user is informed that this automated processing of information, in particular the management of users’ e-mail addresses, has been declared to the CNIL under number 1673912. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, users have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning them. Users may expressly object to the disclosure of their contact details. To do so, simply send an e-mail to

Newsletter Amniotic

The customer may subscribe to the Amniotic newsletter and thus choose to be informed at regular intervals of the offers proposed on the site. They may, at any time, modify the information they wish to receive or unsubscribe by clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of each newsletter. This link is also available on the website in the “My account” section.

When creating an account on the website and subsequently managing their preferences via the “My account” section, customers can choose to receive offers from Amniotic’s partners. You can unsubscribe at any time in the same section.


The customer can subscribe to alerts offered by You can unsubscribe from alerts at any time in the “My account” section (News alerts).


Amniotic uses cookies to recognize customers when they connect to the website. Customers may disable the use of cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser. However, this deactivation will result in preventing access to certain features of the site that allow you to personalize the services offered by Amniotic.

When the customer browses the website, cookies from partner companies may be placed on the customer’s computer. The purpose of these cookies is to identify the items consulted or purchased on the site and to collect navigation data in order to personalize the advertising offer sent to the customer outside the site.

Within the framework of this type of advertising partnership, Amniotic may transmit to the partner data concerning the articles consulted by the customer while browsing the website, as well as the nature of the customer’s purchases.

Customers may refuse cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser. This refusal will prevent access to certain functionalities offered by Amniotic’s partner companies.


The website uses extensions of the Facebook social network, operated by Facebook Inc, 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (hereinafter “Facebook”).

When the customer visits a page on the website containing such an extension, the browser establishes a direct connection with Facebook’s servers.

Facebook is informed that the customer’s browser has accessed the corresponding page on the website, even if the customer does not have a Facebook user account, or if the customer is logged out of his/her Facebook account at that time.

This information is transmitted directly by the client’s browser to a Facebook server located in the United States and is stored there.

If the customer is connected to Facebook while browsing the website, Facebook will be able to link their visit directly to their Facebook user account. If the customer interacts with the extensions, for example by clicking on the “Like” button or leaving a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted to and stored on a Facebook server. They will be published on the customer’s Facebook account.

If the customer does not want Facebook to link the information collected through Amniotic to their Facebook user account, they must log out of Facebook before visiting

Fast delivery Amniotic

Fast delivery

Free for purchases over €99 in mainland France

Secure payment Amniotic

Secure payment

Credit card, PayPal, 3x and 4x

Amniotic returns


Within 14 days of receipt of your order

Amniotic customer service

Customer service

Available Monday to Friday, 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm


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A sensory and creative game, Amniotic lets you create your own piece of jewelry, which can be infinitely modified to suit your personality and desires.

Tel: +33 (0)7 85 62 10 72

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